Spice Girls: ALL TIME FAVE!

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.

There is still that one single spot in my heart that’s reserved for Spice Girls. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely straight. I’m just a very, very loyal fan.

I have been loving them since I was seven! Relive your childhood memories. Listen to this. NOW.

Facebook grammar: “unlike” is valid (via Motivated Grammar)

It’s DISLIKE, you idiots. LOL. Evidence is right here.

Facebook grammar: "unlike" is valid I have something of a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It came out in my later college years and was awesome and useful, helping me keep in touch with old friends scattered at other colleges, organize meetings, and find people with shared interests. ("Hello, ludicrously attractive girl. I note that you list 'The O.C.' as one of your interests. As luck would have it, I've recently obtained the first season on DVD, if you'd like to watch it in … Read More

via Motivated Grammar

Won’t It Be Great If Everything Was as Peaceful as This?

I took this on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park.

Last summer of 2009, my American host family took me to Acadia National Park in Maine so that I could have a “full blast” of Maine before I go back to my home country, the Philippines. My first thought was that “Ooh, this is gonna be one of those boring trips again to parks and all that.” However, once we got there, everything changed my perspective.

Going on top of Cadillac Mountain was such a nostalgic experience for me. The moment I saw the breath-taking view on top, I suddenly thought of how the world would be a better place if everything was as calm and peaceful as the view I am seeing. No pollution, no wars, no destruction, no chaos. Just plain tranquility.

At that moment, I really felt that if this picture I’m seeing could just be put to words, then every single person could understand better what it means to be peaceful. The cool breeze that passed my skin from time to time as I stood on those rocks just made me tell myself, “if only I can live like this forever.”

The modern world today is mainly composed of new innovations, all sorts of pollution, countries at war and conflicts among people. I think to myself, “Are these wars really worth fighting for? Does new technology really benefit us when in fact, it causes destruction of our environment?” Sometimes, it’s like there is this “merry-go-round” moment going on my mind. The thoughts just go on and on in a cycle, you know. Now, it’s not that I oppose the innovation of new technology. What I disapprove of is the negative effects it brings to our environment. People are geniuses. If we can think of new technology to make our lives better, then we can think of new technology that would have less impact on the environment and live the best out of our lives, right?

Now, let’s move on to the never-ending wars happening all over the world. If it’s future terrorism we’re afraid of, we could provide peaceful ways to stop this from happening. What’s the use of Ambassadors of Goodwill anyway? When we declare this so-called “war on terrorism” on other countries, don’t we ever realize that what we are also doing is terrorism, the word itself?

So take a look again at this picture. Would you rather live in a place of development but full of destruction? Or live in a place of tranquility and peace where everyone settles his own differences in a peaceful manner?

The answer here is quite obvious.

Train Etiquette – A grumpy 22 year old’s code of locomotive conduct. (via James Dunn’s Blog)

Another must-read. People should ALWAYS have proper etiquette.

Train Etiquette – A grumpy 22 year old’s code of locomotive conduct. I write this article as I’m sat on a train, wedged between a window and a man whose arse takes up one and a half seats, who seems to enjoy as his only form of sustenance cheese and onion crisps. It is the only smell spare his potent sweat that I can currently smell, burning in my nostrils as I struggle to breath. This is when the thought of train etiquette sprung into my head, it seems to be this unwritten code of conduct that travellers and comm … Read More

via James Dunn's Blog

Take A Walk On The Bright Side (via Icy Exhale)

My favorite post for the day.

“I believe in that one second that changes everything for the better. I believe there is that one story someone will like. There is that one agent who will listen to my pitch. There is that one moment in which everything makes sense. And until then, there is my audacious and spiteful optimism that will continue icing cakes and backhanding naysayers. ”

This quotation alone inspires me to be optimistic in whatever stuff I do and to never let failures hinder me from continuing to strive in achieving my life’s goals.

A must-read!

 My optimism errs on the edge of stupidity.  It is not a gallant, shiny and bright optimism that makes people want to slap me, oh no, Polly Anna I am not.  No, my optimism is like that gothic cab driver who makes snide remarks at stoplights.  My optimism takes no prisoners and makes me feel like an asshole for believing the hype anyway.  One summer I found an ad wanting a person “self-motivated with good people skills”.  I called the number at th … Read More

via Icy Exhale

Quit Blamin’ the Young ‘Uns!

Look at yourself first before blaming others.

There are moments in life that just make me realize how unfair older people sometimes are. What I’m pointing out here is not the adults but the older teens. Most often, they blame the younger ones for almost everything. Even if they know that part of the fault is theirs, too.

I am a college freshman and I live in an apartment with two of my high school classmates and three other higher-year students who go to the same university as mine. Everyday, we are expected to be responsible for our own stuff and actions inside the apartment. You know what I mean, like household chores, groceries and all that. So this week, there came a point where all the dishes in the apartment have been used up by all of us and no one even had the common sense to wash ’em. I do admit that I, for one, should have taken action. However, why would I be responsible in washing the dishes I didn’t even use? After all, I only eat here once a day and yes, most of the time, I wash my own utensils.

What really put me off is the thought that the older teens who also live here put signs around the house saying “To all: Please wash your own dishes or whatever after you use them.” and “To all: Please fill the pails with water if you notice that water is already flowing from the faucet.” Yes. We get it. And those are what we’re doing most of the time. However, the thing is that these older teens are putting the blame on us indirectly. It’s not our fault when they don’t have dishes to use anymore or if they don’t have water to use anymore. What are we in this house? Servants who are there to clean up after them? They might have written the signs to call the attention of everyone but every time the three of us are around, they always mention the responsibilities we ought to do. Like hello? Ever since we came to this apartment, we have been doing our own responsibilities. And guess what? The laziest person in this house was the one who put up the signs, not even kidding. All he does is eat, sleep and go online on a regular basis.

This is not only what puts me off. The fact that I buy my own food to personally consume them and bring my own utensils for personal use should make them realize that they should also do the same. It is utmost inappropriate for these older teens to eat up my food in the fridge or use my utensils without even asking for permission. How about asking us to contribute a share so we can buy another LPG tank then? That’s injustice. We hardly even cook here at home!

Okay. Enough about the rants. What I’m saying here is just an example of how older teens seem to have a habit of putting the blame on younger teens like me. They don’t even look at themselves first. I don’t care who’s older. All I care about is who’s really responsible and who’s the right person to blame. How about enough about the blaming and just do something about it? I can refer to these kinds of situations as “modern” bullying. Yes. Nobody steals my lunch money or beats me up. But I still feel inferior due to what these people are doing. If you can relate to what I’m saying here, you’ll know what to feel. We have to put an end somehow to this “modern” bullying thing. Older generation, please know your “right” responsibilities.

Can relate? Share your thoughts. Be heard.

Being A College Freshie

A month has passed since I’ve been enrolled at the Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology as a college freshman. I’m now taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and pretty much, I’ve been enjoying my classes. Being a freshie in college is like being a freshie in high school, in elementary, etc. Everything is new – new faces, new environment, new ways of being taught. My first few days in college are what I can call as my “silent” days. I’m never a silent-type of person. However, knowing no one in class just brings the silence out of me. Won’t it be awkward if I just keep yapping knowing that people around me don’t really know me that well? However, I’m proud to say that I’m already past that stage.

Guess what’s fun about going to a far college? I get to live semi-independently and now, I have my own apartment. Actually, I share it with two of my close high school friends. We do grocery shopping together, do the chores on our own, and budget our money. However, there’s always a down side to this partly awesome life. It’s the “homesickness” that kills us. We all miss our families terribly but we just have to endure the feeling and do our part – study hard. We actually think up of ways to overcome this “homesickness”.

1. Eat great food. (meaning “cheap” and “tasty”)
2. Make lots of friends. (the more, the merrier!)
3. Explore the place. (the city has interesting tourist spots which are worth visiting, i.e., Maria Cristina Falls, Tinago Falls, Timoga)
4. Study hard. (after all, this is the reason why we went away from home in the first place, right?)
5. Communicate with peeps at home every now and then. (what more can get this homesickness from stopping but talking to your loved ones, right?)

So there you go. Being a college freshie is not that bad at all. Once you get used to all the new stuff, it’s like living a normal life once again.